Basic LIHTC Management (5-14-24)
Event Description
This 5-hour* training is designed primarily for new site managers and supervisory property managers, and is especially beneficial to those personnel who are relatively inexperienced in the tax credit program. It covers all aspects of credit relating to on- site management, including the application process, rental calculation, income and eligibility verification requirements, requirements relating to tenant assets, and a full discussion of student issues. There are multiple problems designed to test the student’s retention of the course material. (Fully Updated with HOTMA changes)
A calculator (battery-operated!) is required for this course.
AJ Johnson, Instructor
Registration/Payment/Cancellation Deadline: May 7, 2024
*Actual training time may vary based on the level of attendee participation/ questions. A generous almost 2-hour break is typically provided mid-day to allow attendees to have lunch and catch up on emails, etc.
Each attendee must pre-register/pay by the date above and provide an individual/unique email address.
Ticket Cost: $200.00 - $270.00
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